

Interstate 35 @
OKC Highways

Interstate 35
(Miles 147-235)

Interstate 35 @

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Interstate 35 Pictures
@ OKRoads.com


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Interstate 35E:

Delaware Trip Part Two

South Texas Roadtrip:
South | North

Interstate 35W:

Florida Trip

Spring Training
2004 Roadtrip


Interstate 35 KS Guide

OK State Line
to Wichita


Interstate 435
to OK State Line



KS State Line
to U.S. 36

Interstate 35
Exit Guide
(Miles 1-106)

Exit 1

U.S. 77 North

Exit 5

OK 153

Exit 15

OK 32

Exit 21

Oswalt Rd.

Exit 24

OK 77S
Lake Murray State Park

Exit 29

U.S. 70 East

Exit 31A

OK 199 East

Exit 31B

U.S. 70 West
Lone Grove

Exit 32

12th St.

Exit 33

OK 142

Exit 40

OK 53 East
Gene Autry

Exit 42

OK 53 West

Exit 47

U.S. 77
Turner Falls Area

Exit 51

U.S. 77
Turner Falls Area

Exit 55

OK 7

Exit 60

Ruppe Rd.

Exit 64

OK 17A East

Exit 66

OK 29
Elmore City

Exit 70

Airport Rd.

Exit 72

OK 19
Pauls Valley

Exit 74

Kimberlin Rd.

Exit 79

OK 145 East

Exit 86

OK 59

Exit 91

OK 74
TO OK 39

Exit 95

TO U.S. 77

Exit 98

Johnson Rd.

Exit 101

Ladd Rd.

Exit 104

OK 74 South

Exit 106

OK 9 West

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Interstate 35 (Miles 1-106)

(Miles 1-106)

Highway Review:
Interstate 35 is the main north-south artery through the state of Oklahoma. Heading northbound after spending its first 504 miles in Texas, I-35 crosses the Red River into the Sooner State. Just past the bridge is Exit 1 for U.S. 77, which parallels or is merged with I-35 from Denton, Texas, to El Dorado, Kansas.

Interstate 35's first major town is Ardmore (pop. 23,711). Several major hotel chains and fast-food joints are located here. Ardmore is served by four exits-Exit 29 (U.S. 70 East), Exits 31A-B (U.S. 70 West/OK 199 East), Exit 32 (12th St.), and Exit 33 (OK 142).

Continuing northward from Ardmore, beginning at around Exit 47 (U.S. 77) and going through Exit 55 (OK 7) is the Arbuckle Mountains and the Turner Falls area, the most scenic area you'll find on I-35 in Oklahoma. Of course the Arbuckles are barely hills but in Oklahoma they're considered mountains! Exit 55 is also the connection to the 2-lane Chickasaw Turnpike, the most worthless turnpike in Oklahoma!

Between OK 7 and the next exit for Ruppe Rd. (Exit 60), Interstate 35 enters Garvin County. From that point to the S.E. 19th St. exit in Moore (Exit 116), almost all signs were replaced during the summer of 2004. The next exit of significance is Exit 72 for OK 19 to Pauls Valley (pop. 6256). Several fast-food places are located near this exit in the city limits.

After departing Pauls Valley I-35 continues its northerly trek to the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. Exit 106 (OK 9 West) is where the traffic begins to increase slightly as the speed limit falls from 70 mph to 60 mph, then when OK 9 exits off just past the South Canadian Bridge located between Exit 106 and the next exit (Exit 108), the freeway becomes a little busier as traffic from "Highway 9" merges on. OK 9 is a 4-lane at-grade divided highway which carries a 50 mph speed limit from I-35 east until just past the U.S. 77 exit.

To continue on Interstate 35 through the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, please see the Interstate 35 Guide @ OKC Highways page.


Interstate 35 North at Exit 1 - U.S. 77 North.
(Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 1 - U.S. 77
North. (Photo taken 7/29/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 5 - OK 153 -
Thackerville. (Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 5 - OK 153 -
Thackerville. (Photo taken 7/29/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 15 - OK 32 -
Marietta/Ryan. (Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 15 - OK 32 -
Marietta/Ryan. (Photo taken 7/29/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 21 - Oswalt Rd.
(Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 21 - Oswalt Rd.
(Photo taken 7/29/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 24 - OK 77S -
Lake Murray State Park. (Photo taken
Interstate 35 South at Exit 24 - OK 77S -
Lake Murray State Park. (Photo taken
Interstate 35 North at Exit 29 - U.S. 70
East - Madill/Ardmore. (Photo taken
Interstate 35 South at Exit 29 - U.S. 70
East - Madill/Ardmore. (Photo taken
Interstate 35 North at Exit 31A - OK 199
East - Ardmore. (Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 31A - OK 199
East - Ardmore. (Photo taken 7/29/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 31B - U.S. 70
West - Waurika/Lone Grove. (Photo taken
Interstate 35 South at Exit 31B - U.S. 70
West - Waurika/Lone Grove. (Photo taken
Interstate 35 North at Exit 32 - 12th St.
(Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 32 - 12th St.
(Photo taken 10/16/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 33 - OK 142 -
Ardmore. (Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 33 - OK 142 -
Ardmore. (Photo taken 7/29/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 40 - OK 53
East - Springer/Gene Autry. (Photo taken

Interstate 35 South at Exit 40 - OK 53
East - Springer/Gene Autry. (Top photo
taken 10/16/03, bottom photo taken
Interstate 35 North at Exit 42 - OK 53
West - Comanche. (Photo taken 10/19/03)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 42 - OK 53
West - Comanche. The sign was missing
its OK 53 shield, but it was replaced during
a 2003 resurfacing project. (Top photo
taken 10/16/03, bottom photo taken
Interstate 35 North at Exit 47 - U.S. 77 -
Turner Falls Area. (Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 47 - U.S. 77 -
Turner Falls Area. (Photo taken 10/16/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 51 - U.S. 77 -
Turner Falls Area. (Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South approaching Exit 51 -
U.S. 77 - Turner Falls Area - 1/4 mile. No
sign exists at the actual exit. (Photo
taken 7/29/03)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 55 - OK 7 -
Davis/Duncan/Sulphur. (Photo taken
Interstate 35 South at Exit 55 - OK 7 -
Davis/Duncan/Sulphur. (Photo taken

Interstate 35 North at Exit 60 - Ruppe Rd.
(Top photo taken 10/19/03, bottom photo
taken 11/26/04)
Interstate 35 South approaching Exit 60 -
Ruppe Rd. - 1 mile. This sign was not
replaced during the 2004 sign replacement
project in Garvin, McClain, and Cleveland
counties. (Photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 60 - Ruppe Rd.
(Top photo taken 7/29/03, bottom photo
taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 North at Exit 64 - OK 17A
East - Wynnewood. (Top photo taken
10/19/03, bottom photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 64 - OK 17A
East - Wynnewood. (Top photo taken
7/29/03, bottom photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 North at Exit 66 - OK 29 -
Wynnewood/Elmore City. (Top photo taken
10/19/03, bottom photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 66 - OK 29 -
Wynnewood/Elmore City. (Top photo taken
7/29/03, bottom photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 North at Exit 70 - Airport Rd.
(Top photo taken 10/19/03, bottom photo
taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 70 - Airport Rd.
(Top photo taken 7/29/03, bottom photo
taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 North at Exit 72 - OK 19 -
Pauls Valley/Maysville. (Top photo taken
10/19/03, bottom photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 72 - OK 19 -
Pauls Valley/Maysville. (Top photo taken
7/29/03, bottom photo taken 7/14/04)

Interstate 35 North at Exit 74 - Kimberlin
Rd. (Top photo taken 10/19/03, bottom
photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 74 - Kimberlin
Rd. (Top photo taken 7/29/03, bottom
photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 North at Exit 79 - OK 145
East - Paoli. (Top photo taken 10/19/03,
bottom photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 79 - OK 145
East - Paoli. (Top photo taken 7/29/03,
bottom photo taken 7/14/04)

Interstate 35 North at Exit 86 - OK 59 -
Wayne/Payne. (Top photo taken 10/19/03,
bottom photo taken 11/26/04)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 86 - OK 59 -
Wayne/Payne. (Photo taken 5/28/04)

Interstate 35 North at Exit 91 - OK 74/TO
OK 39 - Purcell/Lexington. (Top photo taken
10/19/03, bottom photo taken 11/26/04)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 91 - OK 74/TO
OK 39 - Purcell/Lexington. (Top photo taken
7/29/03, bottom photo taken 11/26/04)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 95 - Purcell.
(Photo taken 10/19/03)

Interstate 35 South at Exit 95 - TO U.S.
77 - Purcell/Lexington. (Top photo taken
7/29/03, bottom photo taken 11/26/04)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 98 - Johnson
Rd. (Photo taken 10/19/03)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 98 - Johnson
Rd. (Photo taken 5/28/04)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 101 - Ladd Rd.
(Photo taken 10/4/02)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 101 - Ladd Rd.
(Photo taken 5/28/04)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 104 - OK 74
South - Goldsby/Washington. (Photo
taken 10/4/02)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 104 - OK 74
South - Goldsby/Washington. (Photo
taken 5/28/04)
Interstate 35 North at Exit 106 - OK 9
West - Chickasha. (Photo taken 10/4/02)

Interstate 35 South approaching Exit 106 -
OK 9 West. This interchange is being
reconstructed. When complete, the exit
for OK 9 West will depart the interstate
at the point the bottom photo shows.
(Top photo taken 9/21/04, bottom photo
taken 11/26/04)
Interstate 35 South at Exit 106 - OK 9
West - Chickasha. (Photo taken 7/29/03)